Entry Doors from Clopay | Jefferson County | Doors Plus

Clopay® Entry Doors - Upstate New York

Doors Plus offers a beautiful selection of Clopay entry doors that are sure to increase the curb appeal of your home. Constructed of fiberglass or steel, these doors are low maintenance and energy efficient. Several collections feature technology that simulates a wood-grain texture, including random grain depths and the natural characteristics of real wood. We can even match your entry door to your garage door - something sure to grab the neighbors' attention!

Our entry door systems can be designed to capture the essence of your personal style, with a multitude of designs, window and hardware options, decorative glass with complementing sidelights, transoms and matching garage door windows. Authentic wood grain with state-of-the-art insulated fiberglass construction and gives you peace of mind when it comes to security, durability and energy efficiency.

"Try on" a new entry door with our Visualizer tool and contact us with your questions or for additional information!

13641 North Street | Adams Center, NY, 13606 | 315-777-8550 ©2023 Doors Plus
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We Are Located At:
13641 North Street
Adams Center, NY, 13606